Tuesday, August 2, 2011

News of the Weird: Death by Xbox

Wow. I have to say, I had no idea that a 20-year-old could die by sitting in one position for 12 hours. I didn't really know anyone could. I live in Las Vegas, home of the penny-slot grannies. They park there for days. Not to mention the 450-pound buffet warriors who go everywhere in their Hoveround.  But I've got to say, I'm doing the math of how many hours I sit here doing this blog thingie!


Chris Staniforth Dies From Blood Clot After 12-Hour Xbox Marathons 

In the latest example of "everything in moderation," too much Xbox-playing may have led to a young British man's death. . .

Read more at: Huffington Post


  1. Talk about a sterotypical picture of the gamer. Beard, overweight, young.
    And 12 straight hours of playing video games. Thank God for my small case of ADD.

  2. Fatal blood clots sometimes happen during long flights. For that reason, airlines now encourage passengers to get up and stretch now and then (although they still don't want you standing around in the aisles).


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