Saturday, August 20, 2011

Presidents and Vacations, Explained by Rachel Maddow

Politics can be stupid, and some of the "scandals" or "outrages" that catch the public fancy can be very stupid. And very suspicious. It's one of those things that really does come from both sides of the aisle about the other side, though not necessarily with equal frequency or justification. For instance, during George W. Bush's tenure as President, he went on vacation a lot. He got criticized by some liberals for it. I for one was sick to death of his cowboy swagger as he "cleared brush" from his non-working ranch.

Now that there is a Democrat in office, he is being criticized for his vacation days. Even though Obama's number of vacation days is about average among recent presidents, Right Wing World is askew it its orbit over it. They're also upset about Obama's fancy bus he's traveling around in, even though there is a twin bus a-waiting for the eventual GOP nominee. That's right, they've got one too. Doesn't matter though. Rush Limbaugh and all of his colleagues, imitators, and followers have been told that these are the things they are to be outraged about, and so they are.


Rachel Maddow Tackles The GOP’s ‘Brazenly Stupid’ Hypocrisy In Attacking Obama Vacation

. . .While President Obama has taken 61 vacation days, she noted, President Reagan took 112, and President George W. Bush took 180. And President Obama’s will be in Martha’s Vineyard, a place Romney poked fun at today for having plenty of Democrats, but in which he will be having a fundraiser this week. “I know that hypocrisy is the crime that has no punishment in politics,” Maddow sighed, but still found “something salient in how brazenly stupid it is. . .”

Read more at: Mediaite


  1. All total, Barack Obama has spent more than 400 days on some type of absence from Washington. Sometimes calling them “trips”, or “visits”, in our neck of the woods we call them vacation days. Obama and the MSM are good at excusing Obama as they are now by calling his present absence a bus tour. It’s a campaign tour, period. Additionally he’s played 57 rounds of golf since taking office (29 of them in 2010) and gone on 28 basketball outings (20 of those coming in 2010)
    In fact he’s spent more than half his time as President outside of Washington on various “tours”. Additionally C-BS isn’t counting the 35 days Obama has spent at Camp David, whereas Bush’s Ranch was actually considered a working vacation with his staff.
    In addition, Nichelle and the kids have taken vacations just about everywhere as well at taxpayer expense.

  2. Dan, you seriously can't really be pissed about Obama's vacations unless you are also pissed about George W., who had more vacation days over his two terms than any other President in history. He was on vacation when he got the briefing that Osama bin Laden was going to attack, and told the guy who delivered it, "Okay, you covered your ass." or something along those lines.

    Yes, Bush's vacations were often termed "working vacations." So are Obama's. Theoretically, no president is REALLY totally on vacation ever while in office. There are always presidentin' things to do.

    You also can't begrudge Obama's campaigning, as Bush did THAT too. Golf too! What could the man do to make you happy, seriously?

    If you are particularly upset because of the financial crisis, there is ALWAYS a crisis of some sort going on. With Bush, it was 9/11 and war. What's the real beef here?

    And I don't understand your link. "C-BS?" What's the hyphen for? And they aren't owned by GE, they're owned by Viacom. Show me a tally of Bush's "days away from Washington" being substantially different, and I'll concede your point.


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