Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why All the Love for Chris Christie?

I'll be honest, the number one reason this post is here on my page is for the hilarious/scary picture of New Jersey Behemoth Governor Chris Christie. He is emblematic to me of the inherent and seemingly increasing meanness of today's Republican Party.  He is also a shining example of a right-wing hero that is viewed with amusement and/or horror by the left. When I think of the caliber of right-wing hero--Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Joe the Plumber, Scott Walker, the late Andrew Breitbart, James O'Keefe, Joe Walsh, Rick Scott, and on, and on--I am confused, amused and horrified among many other emotions. And then, the actual leaders: Mitch McConnell, John Boehner. . .really?

Christie is a little different. He's an outsized (sorry) personality, with hints of self-deprecation, a sense of humor, and an air of intelligence. But there's that mean streak. I think the authoritarian lurch the right has taken over the last several years has created the belief that meanness is a virtue. Rudeness is now refreshing. Being an asshole is revered. It's a strange world.


Chris Christie Blows Up At Jersey Shore Heckler

Chris Christie's temper strikes again.  While on vacation with his family in Seaside Heights, N.J. on Thursday, the Republican governor lashed out at a passerby who, according to TMZ, made a derisive comment about his education policies. . .

Read more (with video) at: Huffington Post

1 comment:

  1. Christie is probably closer to your political views than mine- he's a RINO and big one at that, (political not physical)
    But the reason why Christie is well liked for his comments is because he says what a lot of people think.
    But in this case, I think you are wrong. from what I have read, is the guy he was yelling at decided to yell at Christie was doing so while Christie was out with his family and enjoying the day. What right did that idiot have to go yell at Christie when he was out with his family?


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