The now infamous Mark Regnerus,
from ThinkProgress
Because other arguments have failed, NOM and their affiliated groups have latched onto the argument that marriage is for children, and the natural bio-mom, bio-dad, 2.5-child nuclear family. Period. Though this very argument has failed pretty spectacularly in court, they've decided this is their best hope, and they've put all of their effort into pushing it. Amazingly enough, a study came out that actually made their argument seem stronger, by painting the parenting skills of gay couples as suspect.
Surprising no one who has been paying attention, the study has been found to be not at all what they claimed it to be. So, while NOM and their attendant groups claim to have a Biblical case against marriage equality, they seem to have no problem whatsoever with bearing false witness. And to the Supreme Court, no less.
Documents Reveal Anti-Gay Parenting Study Was Manipulated To Influence Supreme Court
Mark Regnerus has admitted his “family structures” study didn’t actually measure gay parenting, comparing the children of separated parents who had same-sex relationships with those of married opposite-sex parents. An internal auditor of the journal that published the Regnerus study last year concluded its findings were “bullshit” because this false comparison doesn’t adequately measure same-sex parenting. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
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