Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Steven Weber: Impossible Truths, Racism and Tea Parties

Photo from AOL

I've piled enough compliments upon the writings of actor/blogger Steven Weber in this space in the past. This time I'll just say. . .what he said.


Impossible Truths

. . .It's deeper and darker than the Right's dislike for, say, Bill Clinton who, while an out n' proud Democrat was also very clearly a good friend to big business (NAFTA) and a thorn in the side of the poor (his welfare reform initiative) and despite his being brought down in a concerted effort by genophobic forces bent on instilling morality at the expense of governmental effectiveness, he was always regarded by the Right with respect, however grudging.

And that speaks to the glaring double standard which was and still is at the heart of the lion's share of Right Wing opposition to Barak Obama:

He is a black man. . .

Read more (and you know he's right) at: Huffington Post


  1. Umm, no. 99.9% of conservatives don't like Obama because he is a leftist, almost to the extreme.
    I will concede that .1% maybe racist. But face it, 99.9% of liberals hate Bush and it wasn't racist.
    But that is the lazy liberal way to explain why Obama is so unpopular.

  2. I call BS. Obama is not a leftist, he is a centrist. His low approval ratings come from disenchanted liberals, who feel like he bends to the conservatives way too often. On the right, it's "Marxist, socialist, statist, communist, Maoist, radical far-left winger." But he's not. Nowhere near. If he were, the far left would love him! Whomever the far left actually are.

    I'm convinced of the bulk of the hatred of Obama is racism, because I was raised in a conservative/Republican environment with many, MANY people who were of the tea bagger stripe. I KNOW these people.

    Oh, and Bush was an idiot.

  3. Maybe you know some people who are racist, but I don't. Obama a centrist? No, I doubt that. Bill Clinton was a centrist and Obama is no Clinton.

  4. Dan, on the racism issue, I don't know how to describe my life experience without it sounding worse than it was. I was in and around the Indian artifact collecting community. The people were largely rural, largely undereducated, and very conservative politically. They were not--by and large--mean people. But they were in subtle AND overt ways, racist. I mean, CASUALLY racist. Unthinkingly racist. Not white hoods and robes, but they'd very likely find the monkey pictures very amusing.

    As for Obama being a centrist, I maintain that he is. He's tacked to the center-right on almost every issue. His most overtly "liberal" policies have been tepid left, not rabid left. "Obamacare" is very similar to "Romneycare" and even the proposed "Dolecare" and "Nixoncare". WHERE is the evidence of his wild liberal streak? Because LIBERALS aren't seeing it.


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