Image from source, Wikipedia
In his never-ending quest to be liked by everybody, President Barack Obama is instead turning both conservatives (who have been lock-stepping against him since day one) and liberals against him. Conservatives will oppose Obama no matter what he does, which should be clear to the man by now. Liberals are pissed because Obama just won't show enough oomph, won't fight for what he promised, and is too willing to compromise away liberal ideals in his futile attempt to get some sort of nominal "bipartisanship." It just ain't gonna happen.
Given that this is only Obama's first year of his first term, the damage isn't undoable. But it will be if something doesn't happen fast. My idea? Fire White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel--the man many progressives cite for some of the bizarre actions of the White House--and replace him with Aaron Sorkin. Yes, the creator and writer of The West Wing and the popular movie, An American President. I know he had a little "issue" with some illicit drugs (mushrooms and the like), but if he can write a speech like this for Obama? Holy smoke. That is what we need as a country, a Sorkin moment. At least hire the guy for some kick-ass speeches.
Now, I'm not talking specifically about the content of "President Shepherd"'s speech, more of the tone and tenor of it, the forcefulness. Even I thought the bit about guns was over the top. But if Obama returned to the tone of his campaign, if he figgin' laid down the law, said he was scrapping the current bill, demanding one that is "Medicare for everyone," through reconciliation. . .and demanded no less. Well, then we'd really have something.
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