Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stewart vs. O'Reilly: What You Didn't See on FOX "News"

EDITOR'S NOTE: I am aware that the blog has been top-heavy with MSNBC and Comedy Central clips (and videos in general) of late. Sorry about that. It is a shortcut and it has to do with having been very busy the last few days. But trust me, this is all good stuff!

One criticism of Countdown with Keith Olbermann has always been that he does not feature guests who "disagree" with him. This is demonstrably not true. I'm a viewer, and have often seen Keith's guests answer his questions to the contrary. But as the host says in the clip below, he features mostly reporters, and they don't generally argue with him, though they often disagree.

A counterpoint to this argument is that FOX "News" does feature guests from the left on its mostly right-wing shows, hence the motto "fair and balanced." Wrong again, as the scale is always weighted to the right. As it was on The O'Reilly Factor last week when the interview subject was The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. See, the MSNBC shows are generally aired live. I think even most FOX shows are. But Bill O'Reilly's show is taped and edited. The interview with Stewart did contain many inflammatory accusations of FOX and O'Reilly, aired on FOX "News." But the choicest bits were cut out. To O'Reilly's credit, the cut out bits are available online. But it does show a little cowardice to cut them out of the broadcast. And what better way to see all of this, than with Keith Olbermann commenting? Awesome.

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