I'm on several mailing lists for things I'd never be interested in. Sometimes, I'm there on purpose, just to keep tabs, you know. Sometimes, it's from signing a petition to a tangentially related cause. Sometimes you don't know where the heck it came from, I mean BeliefNet? AARP? ChristianSingles.com? So, it's unsurprising for me to be peddled to by groups I will never buy from.
Reince Priebus (vowels removed, it's RNC PR BS, y'know) sends a lot of useless--sometimes unintentionally humerous--money begs. This one, I'll grant you, isn't hilarious, it just struck me as good for a chuckle. I mean, first of all, the shirt in the shot looks like it would fit a slim young man, who couldn't possibly be a sizable portion of the base of the GOP. I'm thinking Ls and XLs would be rare, and that they should stock mostly shirts in multiple Xs. And secondly, I just can't picture seeing hoards of people at "upcoming barbeques, sports games [Ed: sports games?], and 4th of July celebrations" wearing this shirt, as the email suggested.
It's actually a nice looking shirt, and the GOP logo is even attractive (though, what's up with the upside-down stars, anyway?), but what the Republicans represent these days is meanness, contrariness, antagonism and more meanness. Even Sean Hannity claims to be a "conservative" these days, rather than a Republican. So, I'm thinking, if you load up on these bad boys, the people at the barbeque will be cutting a wide berth around you.
But go ahead, get yours at: GOPStore.com
It's actually a nice looking shirt, and the GOP logo is even attractive (though, what's up with the upside-down stars, anyway?), but what the Republicans represent these days is meanness, contrariness, antagonism and more meanness. Even Sean Hannity claims to be a "conservative" these days, rather than a Republican. So, I'm thinking, if you load up on these bad boys, the people at the barbeque will be cutting a wide berth around you.
But go ahead, get yours at: GOPStore.com
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