Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Keith Olbermann Has a Question for the Incoming President Donald Trump

Mr. President-Elect, did you coordinate with Russia during the campaign? I'd like to know too. Thanks much, #MAGA.


  1. What evidence is there and even if he did how did that influence the election since Hillary ran such a lousy campaign?

  2. What evidence is there and even if he did how did that influence the election since Hillary ran such a lousy campaign?

  3. The evidence is that all the intelligence agencies say so, and Congresspeople who have been briefed say THEY have no doubt. That's enough evidence to spur further questioning. Hillary's campaign managed to net her more votes than ANY prior candidate except for Barack Obama, so it wasn't THAT bad. Especially considering the bombs from Wikileaks and the FBI. It wouldn't take much to sway the election, as it came down to a mere thousands of votes in four or five states.

    Shouldn't it BOTHER conservatives that Russia has been meddling so obviously, AND that Trump is pffffftttt!-ing it away?

  4. And yet liberals before this loved Russia and the USER. They wanted us to get along with them and be like them.

  5. Get along with them? Sure! Collude with them? Conspire with them? No!


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