Sunday, October 26, 2008

John McCain Pulling Down Entire GOP?

Photo from source, Washington Post

My original title for this post was, "Still Worried About Counting Chickens. . ."

Damn, I'm on pins and needles. I wanted Al Gore to win, and arguably he did, but the argument is irrelevant. He didn't get to be President. I really wanted John Kerry to be President, but less for the man himself than the ouster of the Bush Administration and their horrendous policies and activities. That didn't work out too well either, and for a time I was politically depressed.

But this time, I don't just want Barack Obama to be President. I'm desperate for it. For the man, and for who he's running against. I don't think I can stomach another Republican Administration, and let's be honest: if a Democrat can't win in this environment, when could they ever win again? If the dirty tricks and lies work again, if the Karl Rove machinery--rusty and missing some parts--manages to crank out another win, just what the hell are we Democrats fighting for? I tell ya, it would be crushing.

Fortunately, nine days out, it looks like that dark scenario isn't going to happen. But I'm far too jaded to think this is a sure thing. It should be. It almost has to be. But I'm afraid. . .I don't know. . .that I'll jinx it if I get too excited.

Stories like the following one make me feel a little better about the whole thing. I sure hope they're right.


Sorry, Senator. Let's Salvage What We Can.

. . .I could pile up the poll numbers here, but frankly . . . it's too depressing. You have to go back to the Watergate era to see numbers quite so horrible for the

McCain's awful campaign is having awful consequences down the ballot. I spoke a little while ago to a senior Republican House member. "There is not a safe Republican seat in the country," he warned. "I don't mean that we're going to lose all of them. But we could lose any of them. . ."

Read the whole article at: Washington Post

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