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Russ Feingold is one of my favorite politicians. He speaks his mind, regardless of how the political wind is blowing. Politicians are basically actors, and they're very good at showing us what we want to see. I don't get that vibe from Senator Feingold. He seems genuine to me, and I don't think I'm particularly gullible.
That said, Sen. Feingold is currently speaking his mind over at HuffingtonPost.com, about the recently passed spying legislation. It's good. I agree with him. The latitude I've personally been giving Congress is waning, the more I read about this. Check it out:
That said, Sen. Feingold is currently speaking his mind over at HuffingtonPost.com, about the recently passed spying legislation. It's good. I agree with him. The latitude I've personally been giving Congress is waning, the more I read about this. Check it out:
Six years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, Congress rammed through the USA PATRIOT Act with little consideration of what that bill actually contained. Five years ago, Congress authorized a reckless and ill-advised war in Iraq. One year ago, Congress passed the deeply flawed Military Commissions Act. And late last week, a Democratic Congress passed legislation that dramatically expands the government's ability to conduct warrantless wiretapping, which could affect innocent Americans. It is clear that many congressional Democrats have not learned from those earlier mistakes, two of which happened when Democrats controlled the Senate. Once again, Congress has buckled to pressure and intimidation by the administration.
It should go without saying, but it's important to repeat: every member of Congress supports wiretapping terrorists. And no one thinks that the government should have to get a court order to listen to communications between suspected terrorists in foreign countries, even if those communications happen to pass through the U.S. The FISA bill Congress passed late last week was the latest example of the administration exploiting a legitimate problem to make an outrageous power grab - and unfortunately, it was also just the latest example of Congress giving in to the president's fear-mongering. . .
Read more at: HuffingtonPost.com
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