Photo from source, Associated Press
One down, oh so many to go. I've got to say, I watched all the political chat shows today, and I've never been more bored with them. It has deflated my enthusiasm for even posting political items today. Everything was focused on the phony-baloney Iowa "straw poll," and the minutiea of the Presidential horse race. The only bright spot was on Meet the Press, which featured a debate between the DLC's Harold Ford and DailyKos' Markos Molitsas.
The downside of our early Presidential race is politics fatigue. And it isn't even actual politics so much, as the drudgery of campaigning. A side-effect of the nation's displeasure with the current President is this months (years!) long drudgery. Hopefully, some of the also-rans in this contest will get tired of it too, and drop out like Tommy Thompson.
Tommy Thompson Drops Presidential Bid
MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson is dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, a campaign official said Sunday.
His campaign released a statement saying the Republican is leaving the campaign trail several hours after WITI-TV in Milwaukee reported that Thompson told one of its reporters he was withdrawing.
Read more at: Associated Press
The downside of our early Presidential race is politics fatigue. And it isn't even actual politics so much, as the drudgery of campaigning. A side-effect of the nation's displeasure with the current President is this months (years!) long drudgery. Hopefully, some of the also-rans in this contest will get tired of it too, and drop out like Tommy Thompson.
Tommy Thompson Drops Presidential Bid
MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson is dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, a campaign official said Sunday.
His campaign released a statement saying the Republican is leaving the campaign trail several hours after WITI-TV in Milwaukee reported that Thompson told one of its reporters he was withdrawing.
Read more at: Associated Press
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