Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Andrew Meyer, Tased Student: A Better View

Just one more post about this story, because I found a video that shows the incident in a far more revealing light. Andrew Meyer may hold extreme views. He may not have presented himself in the best light.

But as this version of the video shows, he did nothing to warrant this behavior by the campus police. There is simply no reason to arrest someone and put them in handcuffs for being an activist. He did not have a gun, he did not threaten to club Kerry with his copy of Armed Madhouse.

This was a colossal overreaction, and while certainly not in scale with Kent State, it did give me that vibe, and made me wonder if another Kent State could happen if a large group of people behaved as Andrew did.

You may have already made up your mind that this kid got what was coming to him. Watch this video, and see if you still feel that way.

UPDATE: I've been hearing that Meyer is something of a prankster, and at least in part was hoping for a confrontation. That may be, but I'm not sure it changes my opinion about the police reaction. They sure did seem to be enjoying themselves, and overly eager to zap the guy.


  1. The key to this incident is that the microphone feed was cut by the sponsoring organization of this event because he was not following the protocols of the Q&A. Then he started mouthing off and then the cops/security began to escort him out and then he began the process of resisting the cops which is NEVER a good idea. He continued to resist and yell and holler and bleat "Don't taser me" instead of shutting up, complying with the cops, and seeking and getting redress in court.

    All this said, two cops and much less three cops do not need a taser to put an unarmed person in handcuffs.

  2. I agree with you Lesto, but only to a point. I'm not sure what my reaction to police would be if it truly believed I'd done nothing wrong. He wasn't swinging at them or running away. He was wriggling like a greased pig, like my brother used to do when Mom was trying to spank him. He didn't look one bit dangerous.

    But, why were they even TRYING to arrest him? He didn't break any laws. The only thing I think they could really get him for is resisting arrest. . .but there was no reason to arrest him in the first place.


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