If you're a person who has read
Greenlee Gazette in the past, you're both rare, and aware that in recent weeks and months, I haven't bee blogging very regularly. As I've struggled to relate, there are many reasons for this, chief among them that my need to unload, to get my ideas out there, have been met in other ways over the years. I felt almost alone back in 2007 when I started this thing, unheard, almost in an alternate universe where facts didn't seem to matter. Karl Rove and the Bush team said and did what they wanted, and people seemed to take it at face value. It was very aggravating and depressing, and blogging provided an outlet for all of that.
And boy, was I prolific! I started slowly, and then burst into a many-times-per-day blogger, logging hundreds, even once thousands of posts per year. Now, I'm lucky to get a few posts up per week. I've pondered just calling it quits, but I really don't want to do that. So, I've been sputtering out a few things here and there. And I was set to really give it a go again after Trump won the presidency. After all, we've circled back around to surreality of a Twilight Zone norm for politics.
People love this guy? Newsflash: I don't. |
Very likely, I'm going to be happy to have kept the blog going. And I guess there was no real danger of it being deleted. It just might have sat here, unaltered for the rest of
Blogger's existence. But the Trumpster fire that is only just getting flared up will need commentary, and I'll need concentrated doses of brain dumpage that Twitter can't really provide. So, I'll be here in 2017.
It just may take a little effort to really get going. Life got a little out of balance for completely un-Trump related reasons, recently. After almost two years working from home part time, I finally got a full-time job. That in and of itself would be fine, after all, I was fully employed for most of my blogging years. But I
still have my part-time at-home job too!
And I sorely need to work in where I'm going to be getting some exercise (not to mention dieting). So, scheduling is a bit of a problem.
But I'll sort it all out somehow. I'll want to, I'm sure, as this new post-Obama era gets into full, ludicrous speed. In the meantime, I just wanted something up here on January 1, to prove I'm still here!