Being a heavy soda pop drinker, I learned long ago (about the time I started putting on weight), that soda is loaded with calories due to sugar, so I switched to diet only. Well, I should say, I thought it was sugar. These days, sodas are far more likely to be sweetened by high-fructose corn syrup.
High-fructose corn syrup isn't just in soda, though, it is seemingly in almost everything. Anything that is mass-produced, and tastes sweet (and even some things that don't) seem to now be sweetened with it.
But there are some things you'd never dream contain the stuff. Honey, for instance. Today, I thought it might be nice to add something different to my breakfast bagel at work. So, I went through the condiment bag and dug out some honey from KFC. Or so I thought.
I noticed that the packet (adorned with the Kentucky Fried Chicken patriarch's picture) read, "Colonel's Honey Sauce." Hmm. Honey sauce. What the hell is honey sauce? So I flipped the packet over, and read the ingredients:
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Sugar
- Honey
- Corn Syrup
- Natural Flavor
- Caramel Color
Two kinds of corn syrup and sugar? Natural flavor from what? Color from what? Oh, and honey. Nice that they put that in somewhere. Flipping the packet over, I found the kicker:
- 11% Real Honey.
Well thank goodness for that.
I wasn't the only one to ponder this topic, of course. From the internets:
My roommate and I just went to KFC for lunch, and I noticed something strange. The honey packets that came with the biscuits said "Honey Sauce" rather than just "Honey. . ."
Read more at: Just Throwing it Out There
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