Let me see if I get this straight. John McCain and/or Republicans in general honestly believe that:
• Barack Obama hates America, for various reasons
• Michelle Obama hates America and isn't proud of it
• Obama hates the troops
• Obama wants to lose the war
• Obama wants to kill babies
• Obama is scary
• Obama used to be a drug user, and we can't trust that he's stopped
• Obama was born in the US, to a US parent, but he's not a citizen
• We don't know anything about Obama (despite more than one autobiographical book)
• Obama is simultaneously a covert Muslim, and a scary Afro-centric Christian
• John McCain's status as a war hero and POW absolves him from questions about virtually everything
• Bad stuff done by McCain or his wife are "old news" or "in the past"
• McCain's 25-year legislative history (the good parts) absolve him of any current gaffes
• Obama flip flops
• McCain "changes position according to conditions on the ground"
• UPDATED TO ADD: You honestly believe that Obama doesn't know how many states there are. But McCain not knowing how many houses he owns is not newsworthy.
Did I miss anything?
Oh, and a word on the polls. Apparently, McCain has nudged up a bit today, and the political world is all atwitter. Calm down, everybody. I don't like it either, but the VP choices, conventions and debates have not yet even begun. Comparing the current timeline to previous years doesn't hold much water either. People who put a lot of stock into that line of thinking are ignoring other historical facts, namely, when a hugely unpopular President exits his term--particularly when times are tough--the opposing party almost always wins.
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