Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Conspiracy Corner: GOP Now Wearing the Tinfoil Hats

On the way home from work, I again sampled a little of the almost unlistenable Mark Levin Show. Don't try this at home, kids. In the very few minutes I listened, I heard the host and his callers addressing the motives of President Barack Obama, his administration, and the motives of liberals in general. They seem to believe that there is this list somewhere of "agendas."

Apparently, whenever a policy is enacted, Democrats have these secret agendas in mind. Now, anyone who follows Democratic politics knows that getting all or most of them to agree on just about anything is a herculean effort. But Republicans--recent history excepted--are known for getting all lock-steppy. So, in a classic case of projection, they assume that liberals do the same thing.

I have an example to show you, this time from FreeRepublic, the arch-right wing site. The subject in this case is the fight over California's Proposition 8. The subject could be almost anything, but since this one has to do with gay marriage, it makes for a particularly good example.

Here are a few of the comments, with a few responses from me.

"It’s war, and the left believes in winning by any means necessary."

Actually, it's a war on their side. The left--those of us concerned with gay rights, anyway--simply wants those rights respected.

"Social conservatives have been right all along. The legal radicals use of the gay agenda is not about gays or their agenda - the leftists don’t really give a dam about them - it has, all along, been an assault on marriage."

Right. We don't care about equal rights for all. We don't care if gay people get treated like other law-abiding taxpayers. Our agenda is to destroy marriage.

"The goal is the destruction of the traditional, nuclear family."

Where do they get this stuff? Who exactly is calling for this? Politicians? Activists? Bloggers? Who?

"The radical process is NOT about and NOT in service of a “gay agenda”. It is about the destruction of marriage. Everything else, including any “gay agenda” are just useful idiot tools in the process."

More of the same, and also assumes the existence of the mythical "gay agenda," something this gay person has never seen outside of right-wing blogs and satire.

"Oh to be sure. They are horrific people."

Yes, horrible! Funny, the people seeking rights are "horrific," and those seeking to squash those rights are not.

"It isn't fear of homosexuality -- just recognition of the bigger picture and the ultimate goals. Ever read the goals of the Communist Party? Try these two for starters:
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents."

They really think that liberals have some undisclosed, clandestine agenda to do these things.

"Marriage is under coordinated, long-prepared legal attack. There are hundreds of homosexual attorneys working right now on a Constitutional attack on marriage. Their goal is the Supreme Court, where a closeted Justice Souter waits perfidiously to offer their lying briefs a civil reception. "

OK, I'm done. This is just too crazy for words. But I would like someone to explain a couple of things to me. First, if same-sex marriages were instantly legal in all 50 states tonight, how would that "destroy" marriage? What tangible damage would be done? And secondly, which people are involved in the effort to dismantle marriage, exactly? Names, evidence, something besides the ravings of these loons?

Source: FreeRepublic

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