Friday, August 21, 2009

Should Presidents Go on Vacation?

Yesterday, I posted a piece about how current Presidents always get blasted by the opposition for doing the very same thing their predecessors did. Well, today's faux outrage is no different. The right is now blasting President Obama for going on vacation in August. Hmm, what recent President did the same thing? And yes, there is the whole health care reform thing right now, which is important. As was the terrorism briefing George W. Bush got while on vacation right before 9/11. As was the threat presented by Hurricane Katrina, again while Bush was on vacay.
Conservatives don't like the health care thingy anyway, so what's the big deal? Doesn't matter, they'd find something to bitch about either way.


  1. Here we go with the Bush thing again....note to liberals...GWB is no longer in office...This mess is yours! Additionally, this is no attack...for that, look up Sarah Palin in Google. Most conservatives want this rookie to get out of town, he needs to further polish his teleprompter reading ability, he is starting to stutter more and more these days. know.....

  2. Bush has been gone for less than a year. His mess is still evident all around. And this post was an apt comparison. The Clintons were brought up nearly daily for YEARS, and in some cases still ARE. Get used to it.


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