Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Has FreeRepublic Flying Its Hate Flag

Typical attempt at right-wing humor found at source, FreeRepublic

I've mentioned a couple of times on the blog a group called RightPride. They're the local Nevada off-shoot of GOProud, a way more conservative version of the pro-gay GOP group, The Log Cabin Republicans.  I've been keeping tabs on them via Facebook and Twitter, but have mostly stopped that practice due to extreme frustration.  RightPride see, is a FOX "News" watchin', Sarah Palin lovin', tea bagging, full-fledged far right group of arch conservatives.  Subtract the "gay" part, and they would be indistinguishable from the denizens of FreeRepublic.com

Wait, maybe that's a little harsh.  While they rub elbows with the likes of Ann Coulter and Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove, they for the most part have been less overtly hostile than FReepers.  But it's a fine distinction. I've just found that directly engaging them in conversation is an exercise in futility. Yeah, they're gay, but that is the only thing we have in common beyond being carbon-based life forms.  I tried--fruitlessly (hah!)--to explain how hateful far-right wingers usually are to gay people, and offered FreeRepublic as an example.

Over there, you'll find many charming (read: fire breathing) posts about many topics. Several of them are divided into categories, the relevant one here being labelled, "homosexual agenda."  That phraseology--along with the need for such a category at all--probably will tip you off to the fact that it is not for fans of gay people.  There you will find--especially if the subject matter hits their wheelhouse--that Freepers feel free to say anything that comes to mind about gay people, no matter how nasty.  If anyone from RightPride has wandered by this post, please take a look at just a few quotes found today in response to the potential revocation of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy in the military (with some minor censoring).

Sidebar: Several nations--including allies Israel and Great Britain--allow gays to openly serve in their militaries. Recent polls also show that around 75% of Americans are in favor of lifting the DADT policy.


"Don't Ask" Repeal Deal May be Imminent

"If there is a silver lining it is probably that the f*gs will all finally find another way out of the service and go home with the win under their belt. “Mission Accomplished”. Their “service” had nothing to do with “service to their country”. If it was, flaunting their f*gness would have been unimportant. This was about acceptance of their perverted lifestyle."

"Why don’t we just lay down our arms now and surrender to China. It’s inevitable."

"Come on Republicans this is an easy one. Obama and the Democrats are putting f*gs before national security. This is not only inappropriate but stupid."

"Obama and the Democrats are putting Sodomy before national security. This is not only inappropriate but immoral."

"These seditious SOBs will never satiate their reprobate minds until they have completely destroyed this nation."

"This would be yet another public condoning and encouraging of sinful behavior by the United States government. A slap in the face to God."

"The Democrats and the STUPID people that voted for them have succeeded at DESTROYING our fine Military!!"

"Everyday day there is a new outrage. What will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back and starts the OPEN Rebellion? That time is drawing closer and closer."

"Johnny will be prancing off to war soon."

"Homosexuality is a mental illness and the mentally ill have no place in the military."

Found here: FreeRepublic

Nice group you're cozying up to, RightPride.

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