I've taken Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes' advice to heart, and would like to reiterate it here, don't believe a word you read on this blog. Or those of any other. I'm not saying I'm not trustworthy, I'm only saying, do you homework. If I've said something here that resonates, for good or bad, I want you to check it out for yourself. Read the source material, check out the links, go a little further.
One way to do that, is to crack a book or two. Several that I've read have opened my eyes to how politics operates in this country, and how what we've been lead to believe may not necessarily be true. It's amazing what you can learn, what's out there in black and white, that you've never seen on CNN, MSNBC or FOX "News."
Now I'll admit, most of these books are written from a progressive/liberal point of view. I've really tried to read and digest some of the conservative tomes. I tried Slander by Ann Coulter, Deliver Us From Evil by Sean Hannity, a book by David Limbaugh (Rush's tag along brother), another by Michael (Weiner) Savage. . .all dreadful, partisan tripe. I'm not kidding, ranting and raving, easy to punch holes through.
The following books are much more dense, better researched, and a lot harder to dismiss, in my opinion (admittedly biased). The difference, as I see it, is an effort to present truth over partisanship. They're partisan, all right, but they at least try to be accurate. All highly recommended.
The Assault on Reason by Al Gore
Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast
Screwed by Thom Hartmann
Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean (a Republican!)
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them and The Truth (With Jokes) by Al Franken
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