Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Democrats Delay Contempt Vote

Photo from source, TPMMuckraker.com

Grrr. For anybody who might think I'm a knee-jerk Democrat, with nothing bad to say about the party you'd be wrong. This news angers me. This current crop of Congressmen and Senators will never attain any measure of respect, and may well do lasting damage to Congress as a whole if they do not address this issue, and do it forcefully.

They were on vacation for a month. They had all that time to think about what to do about this situation. The White House willfully ignored Congressional subpoenas. They didn't merely refuse to speak, some of them refused to even show up. That is contemptible, in the rhetorical sense, and in the literal. If Congress ignores this, or issues some meaningless condemnation with no action, what relevance do they have? And what will this and future Presidential Administrations be able to get away with, having such a precedent set?

I'm starting to agree with Whoopi Goldberg, when she said of Congress, "there's not a ball between them." And I'm not just talking about Nancy Pelosi.


Dems Delay Contempt Vote on White House Officials

Today, John Bresnahan over at the Politico reports that the Democratic leadership is unlikely to push for a full vote in the House until late September at the earliest. The reason, he reports, is that Democrats haven't yet "briefed lawmakers on what it would mean and how the controversy would play out, both legally and politically":

“I don’t think anything is going to happen on that for a while,” said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.). “When you decide to do that, you have to make your best case. You want everyone to understand what’s happening and why.”

Read more at: TPMMuckraker.com

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