Photo from source, RawStory.com
The goal of terrorism is to make us jumpy and scared, and to disrupt our way of life. The constant drumbeat from our own government is, "be afraid, be very afraid." And boy howdy, some of us are afraid.
Iraqi-Americans removed from flight for speaking Arabic
NBC News reported Thursday on an incident at the San Diego airport in which "an American airlines flight to Chicago was delayed because a passenger was scared of several Arabic-speaking men on board."
"Those men she heard talking? They were Iraqi-Americans, in town to train US Marines at Camp Pendleton," explained NBC's Brian Williams. The men were removed from the plane and questioned briefly before being released. The flight was canceled and all passengers caught other flights the next day.
Read the rest (and see the NBC Video) at: RawStory.com
NBC News reported Thursday on an incident at the San Diego airport in which "an American airlines flight to Chicago was delayed because a passenger was scared of several Arabic-speaking men on board."
"Those men she heard talking? They were Iraqi-Americans, in town to train US Marines at Camp Pendleton," explained NBC's Brian Williams. The men were removed from the plane and questioned briefly before being released. The flight was canceled and all passengers caught other flights the next day.
Read the rest (and see the NBC Video) at: RawStory.com
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