Saturday, May 24, 2008

Citizenship Test: Do You Deserve to be a Citizen?

Image from source, AOL News

People sometimes question why anyone still uses AOL. Long plagued--even in its heyday--with derision as "training wheels for the Internet," the service just doesn't get any love. I guess for me, it has to do with familiarity. Just like how I started with CorelDRAW v. 2 wayyy back in 1990 or so, and still prefer it (by a long shot) to Adobe Illustrator, I took up AOL after the demise of Prodigy, and have been with them ever since. I like the interface--though the buggy software sometimes drives me to the edge of dropping them forever.

Still, one of the delights of the service is that almost every day there is an item in the splash page that begs to be clicked. Whomever is responsible for their highlighted 5 or so items does a great job. Today, the thing I couldn't resist clicking on was a citizenship test. I've often wondered how many natural born citizens could pass the test if forced to do so. And I'm happy to say, I scored 100% on the test with very little deliberation on any of the questions. How would you do?

Greenlee Gazette Challenge: Click the link, take the test, and report back here in the comments section! Which ones did you miss? Should people who fail be booted from the country? Do knee-jerk flag lapel-pin-wearing "patriots" do better or worse than commie liberals? Discuss!


LA Welcomes Record 18,000 New Citizens

Record crowds of immigrants - more than 18,000 in all - took citizenship oaths here Thursday, a showing credited to rising fees, a heated debate over illegal immigration and one of the brand-new Americans raising their hands. . .

Read more and take the test at: AOL News

1 comment:

  1. This Stupid Monkey scored 100%... I get to move up to Simian Place, pass 'Go' & collect 200 bananas.


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