Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama "Gaffe" Reaction Shows Republican Weakness

Photo of Buchenwald from Scrapbook Pages

The old Karl Rove "permanent majority" political machine is rusty, has burned a lot of oil (heh), and badly in need of repair. But it still manages to function sometimes, especially against an apathetic and uninvolved American public. One of the more frustrating things for a left-wing political junkie is the sheer stupidity of some of the "issues" that manage to get traction.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Bill Ayers. Flag Pins. Patriotism. Barack Obama's religion. Nothing concrete that makes Barack Obama a bad choice for president, just lots of innuendo, rumor and outright lies sometimes. And now, the latest Barack Obama "gaffe" has been pounced upon, and the reaction is really, really stupid.

Obama told a family story about a courageous relative who helped liberate a Nazi concentration camp. And he got a couple of details wrong. Obviously, family stories become family legends. They get told and retold, and along the way, the details get fuzzy. I say big deal. Right-wingers (particularly the rabid Freeper type) say it's a BIG DEAL! To me, all of the stupid stuff they're throwing at Obama just shows the weak hand they have to play. Unfortunately, many American voters (my folks included) have already been suckered by some of the things in the above list. Dammit.


Obama corrects gaffe on kin's participation in freeing Auschwitz

"Barack Obama's dubious claim is inconsistent with world history and demands an explanation," RNC spokesman Alex Conant said. "It was Soviet troops that liberated Auschwitz, so unless his uncle was serving in the Red Army, there's no way Obama's statement yesterday can be true. Obama's frequent exaggerations and outright distortions raise questions about his judgment and his readiness to lead as commander in chief."

Later yesterday, Obama's campaign said he simply named the wrong concentration camp. . .

Read more at: Boston Globe

And if you want to see how the Freepers are reacting to this barely there "scandal," go here: Free Republic

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