OK, all of you gun lovers out there. You got your hard-won victory in the Supreme Court defending your second amendment right to bear arms. For as many years as I can remember, gun enthusiasts have been railing against any whiff of gun control, waving the Constitution. And they have prevailed.
Now comes the time to put your money where your mouth is. The other amendments to the United States Constitution have been methodically eroded in this country since (and in some cases before) September 11, 2001. All in the name of security. The first amendment is curtailed, the fourth. . .and I do not hear defenders of the second complaining at all.
It would seem that abuse of the other amendments are A-OK, as long as it is the Republicans in charge. Or maybe you all just haven't been paying close enough attention. Read the following excerpt (and the story it links to), and see if you feel at least a little energized to start paying attention.
Finally, at long last, I have something in common with Muhammad Ali.No, I'm not the heavyweight champion of the world, and haven't been named spokesperson for Raid bug spray. Like "the Greatest" - not to mention far too many others -- I have been a target of state police surveillance for activities -- in my case against the death penalty -- that were legal, non-violent, and, so we assumed, constitutionally protected. In classified reports compiled by the Maryland State Police and the Department of Homeland Security, I am "Dave Z. . ."
Read more at: Huffington Post
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