Image from source (again), Raw Story
Remind me again, what Party was in power on the morning of September 11, 2001? What two cities had their--presumably heavily guarded--airspace invaded by aircraft that had been off-course with plenty of warning? What Party's President sat in a children's classroom like a deer caught in headlights? What Party's former President was having breakfast with the brother of Osama bin Laden that very day? What Party's President invaded an uninvolved country as retaliation, draining us of blood and treasure? I'll give you a hint, it starts with an R.
Remind me again why we shouldn't vote for a Democrat?
Billboard displays burning World Trade Center with slogan, 'Please Don't Vote for a Democrat'
A political billboard in St. Cloud, Florida reads "Please Don't Vote for a Democrat" over an image of the burning World Trade Center.
Businessman Mike Meehan, who paid for the ad, says he's "only trying to help Republicans." The billboard also carries a link for Meehan's website, TheRepublicanSong.com, at which he says, "I claim to be a man of God" and promotes his political song and video. . .
Businessman Mike Meehan, who paid for the ad, says he's "only trying to help Republicans." The billboard also carries a link for Meehan's website, TheRepublicanSong.com, at which he says, "I claim to be a man of God" and promotes his political song and video. . .
Read more at (excuse me for double-dipping): Raw Story
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