Monday, July 7, 2008

Same-sex Marriage Still Illegal in All 50 States?

Shocking image from source, Town Hall

Wait a minute, you say, isn't same-sex marriage legal now in California and Massachusetts? Not according to the author of this piece. But his whole theory is based upon the notion that State Supreme Courts are not authorized to override public resolutions that are unconstitutional (insert Scooby Doo "hunh?" noise here).

Yes, according to the author, only the public can vote to undo what the public has voted to do. Extending this theory logically, if there was a resolution to re-establish slavery, or to force Democrats into work camps, or to mandate mullets for all males over the age of 18--and it passed--that's just the way it would be!

Suffice it to say, I vehemently disagree with the author. But I am presenting this piece for a couple of reasons. First, to show how pretzel-twisty same-sex marriage opponents are with their logic. Second, to highlight a point I've tried to make on this blog before: you can say anything you want--no matter how derogatory--about gay people in America. Especially when you cloak it in religion. If you can stomach it, read through some of the comments. Then imagine that the issue was interracial marriage. It isn't hard to do. . .


Same Sex "Marriage": Illegal in All Fifty States

About a month ago, the California Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, issued a declaratory opinion that Proposition 22, which states that, “Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California,” enshrined into statutory law by 61.4% of California voters in 2000 (over four million voters), was “unconstitutional” on the basis that "gender discrimination" violates the equal protection clause of the state constitution. . .

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