Photo from source, TPM Muckraker
If you're like me, after the election of Barack Obama, you probably let out a big sigh of relief. After years of paying extra-special attention to the news and politics, we thought we could take a breather. I've even diversified my blog, with lots more fun stuff and frivolous stuff.
But, we were wrong. Stuff is worse than ever, and George W. Bush still has more than a month to go. Remember that big ol' financial bailout? Did you think that somebody was overseeing that? Um, not so much. There is this lady who has been on the case for just. . .well, just days. And she hasn't even really gotten set up yet. Check it out. . .
Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard Law professor who chairs the Congressional Oversight Panel, which is monitoring the Treasury's spending of the bailout money, appeared this afternoon before a House commmitee to testify about the report -- better characterized as a set of questions -- the panel released this morning. . .
Read more at: TPM Muckraker
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