Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lawrence O'Donnell vs. Phil Musser on Torture

As more and more information spills out on Bush Era "Enhanced Interrogation" (torture), I'm more and more amazed at the Republican response to it, even from friends. As George W. Bush himself said, "America doesn't torture." So, let's call it something else. Give it a Frank Luntzian/Karl Rovian name, and it magically becomes something else.

But water boarding is torture, as defined by international and federal law. I heard a local right-wing radio host today (I forget her name, KXNT has an interchangeable roster of female hosts, like FOX "News"), comparing water boarding to "a little water in your face, boo, hoo." She and others keep trying to muddy the waters by making the definition of torture open to interpretation. And if it's defined as torture, it's a liberal definition! Anyway, so what if we torture, they say, these are terrorists! And the information got us information to protect us from their evil plots!

So it's not torture, but it might be torture, but it's OK because it works. Forget that these prisoners were suspected terrorists, not confirmed. And they were allowed no counsel, not even told what they were picked up for. It's all so un-American, and yet the conservatives have no problem whatsoever with it. So we broke a few laws, the ends justify the means! But do they?

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