Like many stories by and about FOX "News," there is more and less to this one than meets the eye. After the White House's Anita Dunn made a highly qualified statement--in the negative--about FOX "News," the story blew into a much bigger deal than it was, touted by FOX itself as a "war." I'm not sure an hour even went by for weeks that somebody on FOX didn't mention it. They were simultaneously reveling in it, and playing hyper defense. Ironically, much of their coverage helped to prove that they aren't a legitimate news outlet.
Much of the crowing coming from the opinion channel was to tout a supposed ratings spike, inspired by the White House "war." As often happens when FOX is crowing, the story was picked up all across the mainstream media. And, as happens all too often, it was reported as true, almost without question (except for MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, the thorns in FOX's paw). But was there really a bump?
It turns out, if there was, it was very minor, and statistically insignificant. FOX "News" does get stellar ratings in the low-stakes cable news game, but the truth is, they barely budged in the two weeks following the trumped up war. [Editor's Note: Yes, this story is from last week. But if I just found it, maybe you haven't seen it yet either!]
The myth of Fox News' ratings spike
Fact: The breathless claim that Fox News' ratings recently spiked thanks to the White House's public critique is bogus hype -- hype that Fox News and the Beltway press have relentlessly pushed.
It's just not true. . .
Read more at: Media Matters
What a freaking Left Wing Kool Air Drinker...thank Gawd you left Ohio, we have enough loons here.
ReplyDeleteStay in Vegas, and keeping watching that dyke Rachel Madcow and the man child Keith Oldblowaman....you are one of a half dozen.
You're a FOX "News" fan, so you MUST be a right-wing moonbat. So it's funny that you're dissing me for being partisan when it is obvious that YOU ARE TOO. As for your homophobic and/or sexually confused commentary, it says a lot more about you than it does about me.
ReplyDeleteOlbermann gets about a third of O'Reilly's ratings usually. Maddow a third or even half of Hannity's. I wish it were more--actually I don't care, I just wish idiots like Hannity, O'Reilly and Beck weren't popular--but if your statement were true, 3 x 6 is still only 18. Doesn't say much about FOX either. . .