Image from source, Raw Story
Sarah Palin is going to be inescapable for the next couple of weeks, with a media blitz that includes Oprah and Barbara Walters. You'd think she was white-hot popular, and a shoo-in for the 2012 Presidential race, right? Maybe not so much. As the excerpted article below shows, she does have enthusiastic support. . .among a small slice of the electorate. Probably that same slice that watches FOX "News" all day, and thought that George W. Bush did a heckuva job.
I think a run at it would be highly entertaining. First the primaries, where there is enough material available for her GOP competitors' negative ads. That'd be a hoot. And supposing she made it through that gauntlet, she'd then have to rally about 30% more of the electorate than she currently commands. Daunting task. President Obama would then just have to cobble together all the GOP bits, and let 'em roll. I say run her!
And a little bit of a sidebar now. Conservatives are very defensive about the treatment Palin has received, alleging it's a personal, character assassination. Possibly. A little. But there is more to it than that. For some time now, the GOP and its defenders have been hoisting up a slate of cartoon characters as their standard bearers. Palin. Carrie Prejean. Mike Huckabee. Michelle Bachmann. JohnBoner Boehner. Joe the freakin' Plumber. And they defend and support them with vigor. Until they don't (poor Levi Johnston, where have your defenders gone? Don't worry, Carrie Prejean will be there to join you soon).
I think a run at it would be highly entertaining. First the primaries, where there is enough material available for her GOP competitors' negative ads. That'd be a hoot. And supposing she made it through that gauntlet, she'd then have to rally about 30% more of the electorate than she currently commands. Daunting task. President Obama would then just have to cobble together all the GOP bits, and let 'em roll. I say run her!
And a little bit of a sidebar now. Conservatives are very defensive about the treatment Palin has received, alleging it's a personal, character assassination. Possibly. A little. But there is more to it than that. For some time now, the GOP and its defenders have been hoisting up a slate of cartoon characters as their standard bearers. Palin. Carrie Prejean. Mike Huckabee. Michelle Bachmann. John
When bloggers like me assail them, it is not entirely aimed at the public figure. Much of the effort put into these "attacks" is to point out the hypocrisy and unseriousness of their followers. Plus a whole lot of schadenfreude.
Poll: Plurality of Americans do not like Sarah Palin
Looks like the voters are going rogue.
According to new CBS News figures [PDF link], 38 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin. Meanwhile, 37 percent are not paying attention, saying they do not know enough to form an opinion. . .
According to new CBS News figures [PDF link], 38 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin. Meanwhile, 37 percent are not paying attention, saying they do not know enough to form an opinion. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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