Image from source, Think Progress
Full disclosure: I have a headache, and researching blog topics is hurting mightily. So, while this post may seem to some like a cheap shot (Palin bashing again?), it'll have to do. Plus, the picture is hilarious. Ouch. I may be back later if I can find a Tylenol 3 or something. . .
Palin gives a lackluster speech in Wisconsin, frequently uses ‘bogus’ or ‘awesome’ to discuss weighty topics.
During the summer’s debate over health care reform, right-wing activists and lawmakers latched onto former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s false claim that President Obama and congressional Democrats were proposing government “death panels” that would “pull the plug on grandma.” While Republican leaders largely abandoned this myth, Palin revived it on Friday during a speech at a Wisconsin Right to Life fundraising banquet. In her remarks, Palin “repeatedly suggested that liberal social policies could lead to de facto euthanasia.” The speech was closed to the press and audience members were not allowed to bring cell phones, cameras, or any recording devices, but a few reporters still managed to sneak in. Politico reports that Friday’s speech was less than inspiring. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
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