What if you threw a party and nobody came? Well, if you're Newt "frankly" Gingrich, Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove, Bill "Cheshire Cat" Kristol or Liz "Spawn of Dick" Cheney, you found out. I can't imagine that these stunning luminaries couldn't get people to party with them. And I'm not being facetious either. I can't stand any of them, and would love to see them all in orange jump suits, chained together. But these are Republican icons here. And the tea baggers will jump at any reason to get their bags dipped. What gives?
Rove, Cheney, Gingrich and Kristol Fail To Rally 9/11 Trial Foes
On Monday, Karl Rove sent a tweet to his 92,000 followers: "Don't sit out: 9:30am 11/18 Dirksen Senate Bldg Rm G-50 to oppose Atty Gen's testimony on trying terrorists on U.S. soil." On Tuesday, Newt Gingrich dispatched a similar message to his 1.2 million Twitter devotees: "Join @keepamericasafe at 9:30am Wed at Dirksen Senate Bldg to protest Holder's testimony on bringing terrorists to US." Keep America Safe is Elizabeth Cheney's new hawkish group—neocon godfather Bill Kristol is one of its three board members—and on Tuesday it tweeted followers: "Reminder 9:30 am show Holder and Obama what you think about the terror trial decision. . ."
Read more at: Mother Jones
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