Image from source, Think Progress
We've endured a lot of crazy and a lot of stupid in American politics lately. As if the whole tea bagger movement didn't have enough already, apparently they're going to have a rally headlined by Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. This harmonic convergence of crazy and stupid could very well annihilate the universe!
Bachmann and Palin to unite for Tea Party convention.
Sarah Palin will star as the keynote speaker at next February’s First National Tea Party Convention, which will take place in Nashville, TN. Also attending: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). . .
Source: Think Progress
Sarah Palin has the verbal and mental capacity of a horny toad. The only people she can get to follow her around and listen to her are the tea partiers/tea baggers. Tea Party. Isn't that a euphemism for a bunch of racists and bigots?
ReplyDeleteActually, it makes me think of a little girl's pretend party. Or Eric Cartman of South Park playing with Polly Prissypants. And, hey, don't be insulting TOADS now. . .