We're knee-deep in holiday weekend, and the blogging inspiration still isn't there for me. I had two Thanksgiving dinners (Part I: The Beginning, and Part II: The Revenge), followed by an amazingly uncomfortable attempt at sleep, and awakening to a scratchy throat and general achiness! Hazzah!
Anyway, while I don't have a topic in mind for a blog post, I did have some free-association, Larry King-like thoughts rattling through my brain last night. Let's see if I remember any of them. . .
Greenlee Gazette's Random Thoughts (post-Thanksgiving digestion edition):
- Early morning "Black Friday" shoppers are weird. I thought all you hyper-Christmas fans got your shopping done months ago.
- Liberals aren't "scared" of Sarah Palin. We are scared that a large enough percentage of Americans will nominate and/or elect an unqualified, ignorant, ex-beauty queen wack-job to be President. And I ain't talking about Carrie Prejean.
- If you leave turkey leftovers out on the edge of a table, and you have a table-height dog running around, he will eat all the turkey. And it isn't his fault!
- Computer death, and the loss of your files really isn't much of a tragedy. Unless you have precious photos with no backups, priceless gallies of text for your memoirs/novel, or some other desperately valuable thing saved in your hard drive--and only on your hard drive--losing your data is really no big deal. I'm quickly finding that a clean reinstall is worth the hassle of putting back your old programs, and tweaking your settings back to how they used to be. Because hours of fussing and fretting, and downloading "fixes" and trying virtual CPR is often not worth the time and effort.
- Trying to avoid a cold or the flu when living with someone who is sick, is rather pointless. Go ahead, try to keep the remote controls, faucet handles, door knobs, telephones and pets germ free or untouched by sicky and healthy. Unless you're OCD, the only thing that will save you is a strong immune system. And while we're on the topic. . .
- I ain't buying that Vitamin C, zinc and Air-bourne will stop a cold or flu in its tracks if you "catch it" fast enough. Bull pucky. If you're gonna be sick, you're gonna be sick. I'm not saying those things will hurt you, but I don't believe they help much--if at all--either.
- A house feels 50% cleaner if the kitchen is clean and the beds are made. Not so good with the bed making, but once the kitchen is cleaned up, I feel so much better. Ours is a disaster at the moment, and I don't even wanna go in there.
- On a long weekend, sleeping in, and then staying in your pajamas into the afternoon can be a great thing. On the other hand, getting up early, getting your coffee, getting cleaned up and dressed before it's even 9:00am can also be a great thing: "look how much DAY I have left!" Remember, in the winter, if you don't get moving until afternoon, you've got like 2 or 3 hours of light before it is dark again!
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