Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama Bows, Conservatives Plotz

Images from source, Think Progress

Time for the faux outrage of the week. Horror of horrors, President Obama bowed to the Japanese Emperor. A simple sign of respect is being spun as the gravest of errors by such paragons of virtue and manliness as Karl "Turdblossom" Rove. Worse than merely criticising Obama, and making up stories about "what it all means," they have to go one step to far and lie. Ahem, excuse me, maybe not lie. Maybe they're just ignorant. Either way, the allegation that Presidents don't do such things is easily disprovable.


Rove Attacks Obama For Bowing: He Should Do What All Presidents Have Done And ‘Not Bow To Monarchies’

This morning on Fox & Friends, former Bush adviser Karl Rove appeared on the program to bash President Obama for paying a respectful bow before the Japanese Emperor. Leading into the segment, co-host Steve Doocy claimed that there is a “long-standing precedent going back to the founding” of the U.S. that “American presidents don’t bow to anybody.” Doocy might want to do some research on President Eisenhower. . .

Read more at: Think Progress

1 comment:

  1. If the Saudi fella had been drop dead gorgeous, then I could see Bush throwing a lip lock on him, but the man is not even remotely cute......

    I admit I enjoyed making a mountain out of a molehill when this picture of Bush kissing the Prince first showed up on the net, but mainly because I, with my own bias, found it distasteful that the Bush crew and their ilk were so down on regular boys kissing other boys, and regular girls kissing other girls.... and yet excusing it as following (their) foreign customs was ok, was PC...

    and then when President Obama bowed, that was yet another flap... (I'm going to get whiplash...)

    All in all I think there are very many things that, over the years, have come out of that Oval Office that were very much more disrespectful of the American people, and of all people, and much more classless, and some things that have been really rotten through and through.

    This curent flap is really reaching, and spinning and reaching, and spinning.

    Funny that with so many negative connotations attached to foxes, some don't seem to attach them to FOX(views not news)!


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