Image from source, MSNBC
Oh, please. Oh, please. Oh, please. Don't get the wrong idea. I want the bill to pass, but I'd much rather be excited for the bill, rather than just excited that it may soon be over. For a news/politics junkie like me, having one issue dominate all of the news for so friggin' long, I'm just sick to death of it. All of the lies (from the right), all of the concessions (from the left), all of the crazy teabagger nuttiness that ensued. I just want it over.
Health vote likely Sunday; Obama delays trip
Historic health care change in the balance, Democrats plowed fresh billions into insurance subsidies for consumers on Thursday and added a $250 rebate for seniors facing high prescription drugs, last-minute sweeteners to sweeping $940 billion legislation headed for a climactic weekend vote. . .
Read more at: MSNBC
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