Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WTF: Karl Rove's Obama's Blank Check Commercial

For the last few weeks, Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS has been running a couple of political ads relentlessly. The ads are certainly polished, and have particularly high production values. But take the gloss away, and you are left with a standard-issue, by-the-numbers attack ad. But I can't figure out exactly what the ads are for. The Presidential elections are a ways off, with a long way to go to pick a GOP front-runner. My guess is, Rove is flaunting how many bucks he has in the bank, by running mood-souring ads against Obama just because he can.

But I do question Rove's instincts a bit on this one. The theme of the ads is deep concern for how bad things are. The point of view is that of a former Obama supporter who has grown disillusioned, and has turned against the President. The point being driven home the loudest? "It's time to take away Obama's blank check." Exsqueeze me? In what world does he have a blank check? The vibe Rove is going for is so at odds with what is going on at the moment, it just sounds tone deaf. Maybe this tests well with people who aren't plugged in to politics, I don't know. But does Rove's semi-anonymous group confuse people into thinking this is an ad from disaffected Democrats?


  1. obama! what are you blind. its seems to me its the
    republicans doing!! father and son BUSH. get over point one finger but two point back at the republicans.

  2. Boy, Anonymous, you've lost me. I have no idea what you're trying to say. Of course this is a Republican ad, it's from Karl Rove. I'm a Democrat. I'm voting for Obama. And I think this ad is pointless. You want to try again?

  3. Anonymous, check your facts. Look at the record increase in debt during the Obama socialization program. The national debt in the last 3 years has increased 10 fold bailing out all the auto unions and socialism for those who do not know how to control their own spending. The Bush team didn't pass new legislation without congressional approval. Now we have socialized medical coverage... Obama is the worse president ever elected to this country and should be assassinated! You're probably one of those lazy people on social programs living off the 50% that actually pay taxes. Geeeshhh....

  4. Haven't the auto companies paid back their loans? Wasn't the health care plan passed by Congress? Doesn't the Secret Service investigate threats on the President's life? And oh yes, everyone receiving government help is LAZY. And to wrap it up, some of the biggest companies on the planet (actually with the biggest profits in the history of man) do not pay taxes. Let's go after them before we start beating up the poor people, okay? And seriously, be on the lookout for guys in shades and black suits. These days, you are certainly not anonymous.

  5. to 'i'm not annoymous', how stupid are you? Most of the Obama stimulus money has been paid back, but $0., none of the Bush bailout money was ever paid back,,,over 700 billion!!!
    As far as that ignorant commercial, taxing the rich who've robbed from the middle class the last 10 yrs. isn't a bad thing, its necessary, but ignorant tea baggers can't get it through their mentally disturbed minds!

  6. "The national debt in the last 3 years has increased 10 fold"

    National debt as of September 2001: $5.8T
    National debt as of Today: $14.3T.

    Ten fold would be $58T. Math FAIL.

    The 50% that "don't pay taxes" would refer to the 50% that don't pay individual income taxes, which comprises less than half of federal revenues.

    Facts FAIL.


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