Photo from source, MSNBC
It would appear that any lingering doubts or fears that the Clintons might pull some sort of stunt--however unrealistic that may seem now--most certainly did not come to pass. Last night, Hillary Clinton gave a terrific, unifying speech. Tonight, her husband, former President Bill Clinton did the same.
Any so-called PUMAs out there who are still defiantly pledging support for John McCain over Barack Obama, clearly care nothing for the wishes of the Clintons. I'm beginning to believe that the PUMAs were largely a media creation, helped along by McCain and right-wing talk radio.
Bill Clinton sets aside differences with Obama
Former President Bill Clinton laid to rest any speculation Wednesday night that he would not enthusiastically back Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois for president by making a forceful call for voters to elect Obama because “Barack Obama is ready to lead America and restore American leadership in the world. . .”
Read more at: MSNBC
It was weak. Bill was endorsing Hillary and not Obama. I think Bill made a deal with Obama that he could hit Michelle in return for an endorsement.
ReplyDeleteOf course he had nice things to say about Hillary. She's his wife. But he left no wiggle room about supporting Barack Obama, whether he inwardly felt that way or not.
ReplyDeletePolitically, the Clintons can't afford to throw this election. Political memories can be short, but if Obama were to lose, and the Clintons were deemed to be at fault, NOBODY would forget that.
This guy Steven James Jerardo is clearly a jackass anyway. A 52 year old mayor wannabe that listens to Ludicris & has a 'sexy' girlfriend, Juanita. But do not worry, that new 'sexy' Scion he has his eye on isn't as 'sexy' as she is.
ReplyDeletePuhleease. Is this guy even for real???
Add to that his obviously well thought out & deeply intellectual commentary & everything should speak for itself.
Good luck Mr. Mayorish. I almost typed that with a straight face. Enjoy your small world filled with delusions of grandeur, at least it will be secure.