Friday, September 14, 2007

Republicans Do Not Believe in America

In yet another excellent editorial,'s John Aravosis counters the "conventional wisdom" that Republicans believe in America and its principles. I would dearly love to see what kind of rebuttal a conservative could offer to this very truthful assessment. I can't think of a counterpoint.


Republicans simply do not believe in our democracy

. . .this kind of democracy-baiting isn't new for the Republicans. They don't like our system of jurisprudence either. They have disdain for judges - but really, it's a disdain for the entire branch of government, the very existence of the branch.

Then there are the rights and liberties underlying our country. Freedom of religion? They don't believe in freedom of religion. They believe in freedom of the Southern Baptist religion. All others need not apply. Freedom of speech? They don't believe in any speech at all anymore. Freedom of the press? They think reporters should be tried for treason. Then there's domestic spying. A crime once considered verboten. Now it's shrugged off as just another acceptable fact of every day life because, you know, we have nothing to hide. Which goes to another underlying fact of American life, the right to a lawyer and the right to be innocent until proven guilty. Republicans don't believe in those either, anymore. . .

Read the rest at:

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