First image from source, Visicage
Second image from source, Daily Mail
Third image from source, Wikipedia
Second image from source, Daily Mail
Third image from source, Wikipedia
A few days ago, I ran a piece about "faceless" people showing up at various public events. It's creepy and cool at the same time, and it prompted me to wonder if this was some sort of "viral" ad campaign for something.
Friend and contributor, Stupid Monkey Planet may have found a big clue. Below is an excerpt from a c
omics fan who dreamed up a way to dress as DC Comics hero, The Question. That hero dresses in a 40s style suit and fedora, and has no facial features. Could all of these faceless people be a marketing campaign for a Question TV series or movie? If they're not, could DC Comics sue for copyright infringement? Stay tuned!

Morgan Wessler's Question costume
If you should happen to glance over your shoulder at a comic book convention and see a faceless man in a fedora, don't jump to the conclusion that your comics have come to life: it's probably just Morgan Wessler. . .

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