Sunday, July 6, 2008

Latest Meme: Barack Obama Moving to the Center

Image from FreeWebs

I often get irritated by trends and themes in the news that don't seem to bother other people. When watching cable news programs (kids, if you've never done it, don't start), I have a "Spidey-sense" for those trends and themes. I can see the framing that they're wrapping around a story or issue, and can't help but wonder how all these different shows seem to agree on the angle.

For instance, the "scandlets" that have hit the Barack Obama campaign. Most often, the impact of these incidents has been far greater than the offense, and the story seems to be driven by cable news and talk radio. Would the Reverand Wright issue have even been on the radar without (rightwing blowhole) Sean Hannity ranting about it for months? But there have been so many others, from the "clinging to guns" speech to Michelle Obama's "pride" speech. All silly destractions that we wouldn't even remember without the glow of the cable news/talk radio spotlight. A spotlight that has yet to shine very brightly on John McCain (mabye the glare would be just too much).

A couple of weeks ago, the meme was (courtesy of Rush Limbaugh), you can't criticize Obama for anything. Alternating weeks seem to focus on Obama's patriotism (or alleged lack of same). This week, it's Barack Obama is moving to the center. And it is spliced with flip-flopper. This disparaging term was grafted onto John Kerry, and he never successfully shook it. The truth is, John McCain has flipped and flopped as much as anybody. Fortunately, Barack Obama has shown a propensity for fighting back, and has been pointing that out.


Analysis: Obama's centrist emphasis gives GOP ammo

Is Barack Obama close to being shadowed by giant flip-flops and, worse, having the image stick with people all the way to the voting booth?

Read more at: TPM Muckraker

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