This post is purely vanity. My blog will have received 50,000 hits in just the next hour or so. It's sort of like waiting for your odometer to roll over to an even number. You get so excited, but in the scheme of things, it's no big whoop.
Many large blogs like The Huffington Post or AmericaBlog (the two main inspirations for this blog) can get that many hits in a day--a very bad day. But for a guy who started his blog with this sentence. . .
"This blog will never be found by anybody.". . .I think it's quite impressive! And 50,000 doesn't tell you everything either. I've had over 70,000 total page hits, which is when somebody comes to the site, and then clicks on archived stories while they're here. And then there is the RSS reader. Now, RSS subscribers are a fickle bunch. I've never been able to hang on to more than 30 or so for more than a day. Right now, it stands at 15. Tomorrow it might be 25. But the point is, those people get continuous feeds that aren't logged in my hits. According to Google, I've had 82,764 total page views.

So, I've been drumming my fingers, waiting to see if I'd get to 50,000 hits before election day. Could October reach more than the inflated August number? Well, the answer is yes to the former, and the latter remains to be seen. But we've got four days of October to go, and the number at the moment of this post is 6,418. So, yeah, I'm gonna hit it and go past it. It should top 7,000, which is about the total number of hits I had from June to October last year!
These admittedly small potatoes numbers mean nothing to anybody but me. But one of the things you can do when you have your own blog is, when your odometer turns over, you can write about it! Thanks for reading, and bring your friends!
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