Photo from Wikipedia
Some of my most heated and numerous online battles, since way back in the day of the Prodigy online service, have been about separation of church and state. Well, any religion vs. common sense arguments, really, including "intelligent design" vs. evolution. But to be honest, I really haven't opined much about it on the blog. So I guess I'm overdue.
Christopher Hitchens is one of the more outspoken atheists in the public eye, and turns up on television with some frequency. He always appears to need some Alka Seltzer Plus and aspirin (with a whiskey chaser), but even when he has to be poured onto the set, he tends to render his opponent into liquid as well. This time, from Wednesday's episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews, it isn't a fair fight.
Hitchens is up against Ken Blackwell, the Katherine Harris of the 2004 election. He's apparently working for one of those misnamed "Family" organizations now, and is taking up the position that the United States is a Christian nation, and that the founding fathers were too. Hitchens knows better, and pretty much cleans Blackwell's clock. Blackwell is of the "if I repeat it often enough, it becomes true" school of Rovian thought, though. So he has no idea that he's been clobbered.
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