Photo from souce, Reuters
Wherever you stand on "hate crimes" legislation, what everyone needs to remember is that hate crimes protections already exist for several classes of people, including the religious. So, when you hear religious people railing against hate crimes legislation for gay people as "special rights," remember, the people arguing against are already protected. And thus, it is the religious that already have "special rights."
Today, the US House of Representatives passed hate crimes legislation to protect gay (GLBTQETC) people. This has people who really enjoy disparaging gay people all in snit. You see, they really like bitching about gay people, and they want the right to do so. Ironically, hate crime legislation does not prevent them from doing that. They just can't yell "faggot" while beating somebody to death. Poor babies.
U.S. House passes "hate crime" bill that Bush opposed
The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday approved an expansion of federal "hate crime" laws -- an effort that former Republican President George W. Bush had opposed. . .
Read more at: Reuters
Now, if you want to see what the once-hard-right, now mainstream GOP faithful think of this issue, take a look at some of these quotes. And then ask yourself why gays might need just a little extra protection. . .
"I guess we will just have Love Crimes, they are only HATE if you dare to speak of Sodomites and Girlie Men..."
". . .on a vote of 234-190. So there are 234 fags and bulldykes in the house."
Editor: And what, 190 raging heterosexual, patriotic 'Mericans?
"Gay's [sic] deserve to be hated! They demoralize our children and spreaddiseases [sic] among the children they molest."
Ed: Nice punctuation and typing skills there, chief.
"Not all persons are covered under "sexual orientation".
Ed: Um, OK, we've got gay, bisexual, straight and asexual. Who are we leaving out?
". . .I can no longer say “filthy disease ridden queer” on this site?
Have we now lost freedom of speech?"
Ed: Say it all you like. It says loads more about you than it does me.
"Among those sexual orientations being protected by HR-1913 are these:
Apotemnophilia - sexual arousal associated with the stump(s) of an Amputee
Asphyxophilia - sexual gratification derived from activities that involve oxygen deprivation through hanging, strangulation, or other means
Autogynephilia - the sexual arousal of a man by his own perception of himself as a woman or dressed as a woman. . ."
Ed: It goes on like that. Almost everything in this person's list is a fetish or kink, not a sexual orientation. These FReepers are really clueless. Sexual orientation is an emotional and physical attraction to gender. Fetishes can occur in any orientation.
"We need a new Constitutional Convention, to restore the original Constitution."
Ed: Yeah, ask your black friends about that one.
"So what's this mean? If a pedaphile [sic] is arrested for molesting children has his civil rights been violated? Is he a victim now? "
Ed: Um, moron, pedophiles (learn to spell) might have a sexual orientation, but pedophilia ISN'T it.
So as you can see, they're in an uninformed, ignorant, ridiculous frenzy.
Read more (if you dare) at: FreeRepublic
Nice job Mr. Editor....couldn't have put it more succinctly myself! Well done.
ReplyDeleteThanks, KC!