Friday, April 3, 2009

Same-sex Marriage Legal in Iowa

Photo from source, CNN

Iowa. Iowa? C'mon! I mean, yeah, it's great and all that. But when The Other Half (an Iowan, by the way) and I got married in California, I don't think either of us ever dreamed that Iowa would legalize it, and that California would take it away. Iowa? Really?

There are a bunch of people's heads exploding across the country today. That is, if they've heard the news. This has been remarkably low-key, this time around. Even at the page, the headline takes a search to find. There are a few other cases winding through the courts too, all in New England. I've had to dig to find those too.

So why did the California Proposition 8 become the highest funded state proposition ever, and all of this is limboing under the news bar? Did people just burn out on the topic? Did they finally realize that allowing gay people to marry won't change their lives one iota? Whatever it is, let's hope it sticks this time. And that some states (Nevada, Ohio, I'm looking at you) reconsider their draconian, anti-gay constitutional amendments.

But back to the exploding head people. What do you think the supporters of Prop. 8 are feeling today? The Mormon Church? All that money, all that time, all that effort. Only to have one of the midwestern states--America's heartland--slap them in the face? Ah, schadenfreude.


Iowa court backs gay marriage

The Iowa Supreme Court unanimously rejected a state law Friday that banned same-sex marriage, and opponents wasted little time in pushing for a state constitutional amendment that could send the issue to voters. . .

Read more at: CNN

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