Monday, January 11, 2010

Harry Reid Steps in It; Steele Overplays It

Image from source, Chicago Tribune

For the second time in the past two weeks the antiquated term "negro" has been in the news. Last time, it was the use of the word in the census. This week, it has been revealed in a tabloidy political book that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) used the word in relation to then Senator Barack Obama. Now, to be fair, Reid was not using the word in a pejorative way.

His statement--saying essentially that in America today, a fairer skinned black person with an educated, middle-American speaking style would do better running for President than would a darker skinned person with a more colloquial speaking style--is true. It may be uncomfortable, and it for sure was inartfully articulated, but it is true. Predictably, conservatives are making hay with it. But true to form, they're taking it way around the bend. Having Michael Steele, lord god king foot-in-his-mouth--with his own racially insensitive statement last week--be their point man is just bizarre. Comparing Reid to former Leader Trent Lott, who said that a segregationist would have solved all of our problems as President in the forties is even weirder. And demanding that Reid step down as speaker is just stupid.

As a Nevadan, I have my gripes with Reid. But we also have Senator Ensign, so come on now, which has had a worse offense?


Sen. Harry Reid and the 'double standard'

GOP Chairman Michael Steele and other Republicans on Sunday accused Democrats of a double standard, saying they accepted Sen. Harry Reid’s apology for racial comments about President Obama, but they also should have demanded that the Nevada Senator step down. . .

Read more at: Chicago Tribune

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