Friday, September 3, 2010

Teabagger Candidate Against. . .You Know. . .Solitaire

The classic sitcom Seinfeld managed to do a whole episode on this topic ("The Contest") in which they never mentioned the act in question. They didn't need to. Everybody does it, and those who claim that they don't are almost assuredly lying. Seinfeld also never once claimed there was anything wrong with it (much like the companion episode "The Outing"). So, if you're a politician who is "Queen of the Castle" and thinks everyone should be the "Master of their Domain," you're up against some pretty stiff opposition. Ahem.

Sure, you're not going to meet much of a vocal backlash.  But you can bet, once they get behind that curtain, they're going to do something you don't like. Vote against you.  And it doesn't really matter how hard they pull that lever.  Ahem.


Delaware Tea Party candidate running in GOP U.S. Senate race publicly opposes masturbation

Christine O'Donnell and her interesting take on human sexuality and morality clearly was going to come back to haunt her, but common sense should have told her that appearing on a show called "Sex In The 90s", it may come up if you run for office. . .

 Read more at: Pam's House Blend

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