Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Steven Weber on the Waning Power of Dirty Politics

Photo from StevenWeber.net

I know, I know, I link to a lot of Steven Weber's opinion pieces from The Huffington Post. I don't cover them all, but it's difficult not to. Primarily because he writes the way I want to write, but rarely pull off as well.

With all the talk of how dirty this campaign has been so far, I've been left scratching my head a little. Most of the mud flinging has quickly dried, and been brushed off. Rarely do any of these "attacks" really stick, and almost all of them leave me rolling my eyes. I've actually heard the campaign referred to as "the dirtiest ever," and Hillary Clinton's campaign called "the most spectacular failure" ever. Puhleeeze! Far dirtier campaigns have been waged, and Rudy Giuliani's, Mitt Romney's and Fred Thompson's campaigns failed more spectacularly. We just have very short memories.

Here's Steven with his opinion on why the poo being flung just doesn't have that sting anymore.


Fight With Clubs

. . .The feeling that the population has just come to after having ingested a roofie-laced order of Freedom Fries has gone viral, penetrating even the most traditionally impregnable strongholds. So obvious is it, that even those most adept at hurling invective-laced loogies are doing so with bewilderingly less commitment and a significant decrease in phlegm. It just ain't in 'em. . .

Read more at: Huffington Post

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