Monday, July 12, 2010

Latest FOX "News" Fabrication: New Black Panthers

When a story is running on an endless loop on FOX "News"--and nowhere else outside of right-wing talk radio and right-wing blogs--you can be pretty sure they're jacking something up or at least leaving something out.  Such is the story of the "New Black Panthers," being hyped even here in Las Vegas from a local afternoon back-bencher on KXNT.  The initial "incident" that started the righties frothing about this happened in 2008, so why it is suddenly huge again is anybody's guess.  But of course, the allegation: that Eric Holder and Barack Obama are behind it is false, it happened during George Bush's reign.


  1. First, to agree with on something. Yes, Alan Stock is a back bencher and a pretty pathetic one at that.
    Ok, now, yes it was under Bush's watch with the New Black Panthers. They sued and got a fefault judgement. cannot be disputed. Enter the Obama administration and they drop the case with only a stipulation on one guy and if you see the you tubes on the guy, you would find him to be a thug, nothing more, nothing less.
    Anyways, the suits, not Holder, but those just below him dismissed just about everything.
    Can you imagine if a KKK member stood outside a voting place with some weapons and intimidated voters. Would Holder and the DOJ be as forgiving? Nah, didn't think so.
    And, thanks, James for carrying on a decent conversation. You can't find too many liberal sites that can carry on a decent conversation. Probably same the same with conservatives as well. I really appreciate sites that are not profane or name calling.

  2. From the piece on Countdown, it sounds like this ALL happened before Jan. 20, 2008. Are you sure any of it was handled under Holder/Obama?

    And what about the CURRENT froth and lather over this? Is there a reason this is suddenly an issue again? I guess since this seems to have been an isolated incident, one that bothers me somewhere between "arched eyebrow" and "eyeroll". . .it's just wayyy to the edge of my radar. Making me wonder (but not point and accuse!) about that ol' racism thing again.

  3. One more thing. . .I wasn't calling Alan Stock a back-bencher. He's on vacation or away or something, and they have this other dude in there.

    While Stock was seemingly neutered with the new KXNT format change, this guy is a charging bulldozer, ending each segment with "This is WAR!", whether he's talking about Obama or if he's talking about a tanning bed tax. He's clearly trying to start a brush fire so he can get off the back bench.

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